
This package provides a set of utilities that allow you to map the motion of a microscope’s stage into the coordinates of its camera. That can form the basis of closed-loop control of the microscope, and simplifies creating nice tiled images.

The main calibration routine is camera_stage_calibration_1d.calibrate_backlash_1d() which operates in 1D, but can be run twice in orthogonal directions and then combined with camera_stage_calibration_1d.image_to_stage_displacement_from_1d(). The underlying cross-correlation tracking code can be configured to use either FFT or direct correlation (FFT is recommended), and the details are in camera_stage_mapping.fft_image_tracking or camera_stage_mapping.correlation_image_tracking.

Most of the legwork of keeping track of stage and camera coordinates is done by camera_stage_tracker.Tracker.
